Open Hours: Mon - Fri 8.00 am - 6.00 pm
Brief Introduction of the NGO:-

About Devika Sanstha NGO

incorporated as a non-profit voluntary organization , working for community development through Social Work , Education , Health ,

Environment , Water Conservation , Human Rights Information , etc. (Work area Entire Rajasthan)
The organization founded in 2019 by a group of dedicated social workers.It is voluntary

Organization Registered Under The Societies Registration Act 28,1958 . Niti Aayog Registration, Msme Registration , 12AA Registration , 80G Registration , Nsdc Registration , Csr Registration

is a NGO that has been working on different issues such as Society Objective :- To

eliminate discrimination spread in the society, to bring government schemes to the society, to help and serve in natural disasters, to improve the standard of living of the poor sections of the society, etc. Public social work camps, small industries, women self- employment products, education and promotion of human rights etc.

Health Objectives Prevention of drug de-addiction, free vaccination, feticide etc. in rural and urban areas W.H.O. Carry out the plans of etc.
Environment Objective:- To try to protect the environment, to protect the environment, plantation parks will expand greenery etc. Cooperate in population control etc.

Education Objectives: – To help poor helpless disabled children of all sections of rural and urban areas in the field of education, to get good education so that all round development of children etc.

Water Conservation:- Purpose Harvest Rainwater Will make villages, towns, small and big ponds in the mountains, will conserve the running water of the rain by stepwell stitches, will encourage the schemes run by the government etc. since 2019 .

The focus of DEVIKA SANSTHA is on community development through the

participation of its own people . The role of DEVIKA SANSTHA is strengthening and empowering the communities to perceive their own problems/needs , and to solve them through collective action and participation .

0 K
Total People lived
in our city
0 K
Square kilometres
region covers
0 %
Private & domestic
garden land
0 th
Average Costs of Home

Over three years
in the ruling

Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In the U.S. and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life the Chief may also be involved in fire prevention.


Super power Administration

On top of our attention to Politician and service is a commitment to excellence all qualities admire.

200 years of city history

In 1985, WinShape Camps launched life-changing summers with our very overnight camp.

Famous for lovly city spots

That early experience set the stage for how we do camps today creating fun and faithful places.

Organization Officers / Advisor

The city council have the real super powers as administraion to lead country.

Latest News & Events

The news about recent activities for needed peoples claimed.

Village – Chhilawali, Post – Mahroli,
Tahsil – Srimadhopur, District – Sikar,
State – Rajasthan, India 332603

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

City News & Updates

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